We like …
… to have fun. So every month we bring you reviews of books, plays, exhibitions and places that have caught our imaginations, and, more importantly, have had an impact on us. We hope you get the same level of enjoyment but if not, why don’t you send us your own suggestions? We would love to know what makes you tick.
The content isn’t just about dames, but includes the themes that influence our lives. This could be a book about surgery, or articles about why companies with more than 30% of women on their board are 42% more successful than their competitors.
And another thing . . .
There are lots of dames out there doing intriguing work, so if you like damesnet, you’ll like these sites:
If you know of any other Sites of Special Sisterly Interest (SSSIs), please post your suggestions in the box below, and we’ll add the link.